Did you ever have a feeling come upon you about something (or somebody), but in not knowing where in the world it came from dismiss or not trust it?
Well I sure know I have… (click "Read More" below to continue)
Although it is very easy to doubt, question, and analyze feelings that come upon you without explanation, there is a Really good reason not to ignore or deny them.
Not only is the phenomenon called your Intuition ~ that of which living beings can make successful choices and decisions based on rapid emotional cues and gut feelings rather than intentional analytical and logical thought usually all knowing, if trusted, it can be used as a personal guide towards making good decisions and could literally save your life. This is due at least in part to the fact that there are cues, details & intuitive signals that you pick up without you consciously even realizing it, as data is processed too rapidly (approx 11 million bits per second) for your conscious mind (less than 50 bits per second) to process (Take a Look Here). Research has shown that the premise of intuition, which has been an accepted phenomenon by many cultures for centuries is without doubt a reality. For instance, an interesting 2016 study found that this powerful & invaluable phenomenon surely does exist (Take a Look Here). One of the authors of this study Professor Joel Pearson (Take a Look Here), states that with the used scientific study technique to measure intuition the researchers have found evidence that individuals can use intuition to make faster & more accurate and confidant decisions & have showed that unconscious emotional information can be utilized to make better choices. (Take a Look Here).
The Office of Naval Research refers to Intuition as “Spidey Sense” and is taking measures to discover ways to improve the skills of officers who are often in highly threatening situations in better harnessing and improving intuition through training (Take a Look Here).
Referring to the intuiting of fear being a gift, in his masterpiece of a book “The Gift of Fear (Take a Look Here), incredible human and leading expert on predicting and preventing violence Gavin de Becker describes intuition as “The journey from A to Z without stopping at any letter along the way. It is knowing without knowing why”. He further states : “Trust that what causes alarm probably should, because when it comes to danger, Intuition is always right in at lease two important ways: 1) It is always in response to something 2) It always has your best interest at heart “
When humans before the existence of modern civilization had to risk their lives just to provide themselves with the basics of sustaining life such as food, water & warmth, intuition was far more necessary for everyday survival…but In a civilized and modern day world in which most of us live, we don’t necessarily need to use our intuition every day to warn us of life endangering threats, so it’s easy for us to not be as familiar with it. This lack of experience and familiarity also includes our tendency to question or deny, and not necessarily trust it.
In his thought provoking book, “Living in the Deep Brain” (Take a Look Here) regarding connecting with and better training your intuition, Rory Miller states that cities and modern civilization are somewhat destroyers of intuition, as basic survival problems have been solved for us by our ancestors, and our most basic needs are taken care of. He refers to your Lizard Brain (your pure & animal brain) as being your survival instinct and intuitive brain, and that the problems that its good at dealing with (basically personal survival ) are rarely called upon in our modern & civilized day world. So your inner lizard rarely comes out but wakes up fast when it senses danger…
Since intuitions are sensed and not rationalized thoughts, one of the first steps towards further potentially identifying and trusting them would be practicing mindfulness. Quieting your mind and focusing on the present moment instead of busy conscious thought can be a beneficial vehicle connecting to inner wisdom & intuitive messages. Spending time in nature, in solitude and practices such as meditation can be potentially helpful in connecting you to the knowing pure power inside you.
If recognized & trusted, your intuition can be a masterful tool used regarding successful decision making and your personal safety. Again, The Gift of Fear, a book which at least Every person (and especially female) on earth should read, Gavin De Becker (Take a Look Here) states that: “Fear is a signal in the presence of danger, that we, in contrast to every other creature in nature, choose not to explore and even to ignore survival signals.”
“With denial, the details we need for the best predictions float silently by us like life preservers, and while the man overboard may enjoy the comfortable belief that he is still in his stateroom, there is soon a price to pay for his daydream”
Gavin de Becker
In conclusion~your intuition is within you, and if identified and not denied can potentially be used as a priceless guide on your life’s journey, and particularly your number one self care & defense tool. Hence, If you “Just Know” or sense a Gut Feeling about something ~ you may be wise to Not Ignore It …
“The Intuitive Mind is a Sacred Gift & the Rational Mind is a Faithful Servant"
Albert Einstein
This blog, it's content and any linked materials does not provide medical advice and is presented and intended for informational purposes only. It is based on my personal experience and research and is Not a Substitute for Medical Advice or Treatment. Do not Disregard Medical Advice, or delay in Seeking it because of something you have read in this blog, website or in Any linked material. Consult with a Medical Professional if you have a Medical Condition. Comments are closed.