Now that we know all about Basic Principles of Juicing (Pt 1 of this Post) & bit about Ingredients to Juice (Pt 2) we are on to Part 3 of our Juicing Guide which will be all about Juicing Recipes!
So Here You Go… (Click "Read More"below to continue)..
Juicing is an absolutely incredible way to get raw produce and a ton of the nutrients from it into your body! Depending on What your juicing goals are and what & how much you’d want to juice may vary.
For instance if you’re looking to Juice a few times a week vs several times a day, or you have a particular area you’d like to focus on. Overall though, In My experience & opinion, it is best to juice at least once a day if possible in terms of benefit, and to ease in & vary your ingredients a bit especially if you’ve never practiced juicing before to get a feel for what works for you. For those interested in experimenting with creating your own recipes Here are a few tips : Starting out with some milder & solid (higher liquid containing) ingredients such as carrots, cucumber, apple, pineapple or orange (celery as well, but in large amounts can be very detoxifying) and adding in just a small bit of more potent ingredients such as greens or herbs is a good way to ease in & get started…This will help you get used to the taste & power of more potent ingredients a little bit at a time. Your body will just Love the nutrients from juice! It may also begin to detox a bit and certain ingredients such as greens & herbs will possibly result in this happening faster, so I would say to ease in to these ingredients. Especially if your diet has not been a clean one for many years it may be a little surprising to your system if you just suddenly start juicing lots & lots of cilantro, ginger, collards or dandelion greens ... Another initial factor when you start juicing may obviously be the taste of some of the ingredients. While sweeter ingredients such as carrot, apple, pineapple, melons & oranges are sweet & delicious, some of the more bitter ingredients such as dandelion or collard greens may take a short time to get used to. So it may really work for you to juice smaller amounts of these at first & work up to larger amounts.. I would say that eventually you’d want to work towards having about 10 to 20 percent sweeter ingredients to about 80 to 90 percent more green veggie/ herb ingredients. High yield veggie ingredients such as celery & cucumber come in really handy here as you can use just a very small amount of a sweet based ingredient & then make the rest of your recipe less sweet veggie base (celery, cucumbers) before you add All your leafy greens & herbs. Eventually you’ll probably find that you can easily toss back practically Any recipe no matter what it tastes like ~ that's basically the point I've personally reached, It All just tastes like super Healing Energy to me :-) . Again, In general I feel that it’s important to vary your ingredients to get a broad range of nutrient profiles, especially if you’re juicing more than once a day. Currently i'm personally juicing one to two times a day and for instance, i'll often do some type of a Celery, Cucumber, Lemon combination in the morning & then if I have an opportunity to have another juice in the afternoon i’ll almost always make it something with lots of Greens & or Herbs (For Big afternoon Energy )… For example, lately this recipe has been something like a few stalks each of pineapple (or an apple) & celery, some cucumber, lime, and Lots of whatever Greens & Herbs I have on hand. Just to note, I do sometimes make larger batches of Juice & store them in Mason Jars. As mentioned previously in Part 1 of this guide, just as long as you fill your Jars to the Very Top Brim just so the top seal vacuum packs on and you store them in the refrigerator they should stay fresh for a few days! Lastly, I personally have never a hundred percent juice fasted for more than three days, although I’ve gone thru periods where i’ve done three or four juices per day. During these periods I still consumed solid food but would often do a Juice instead of a meal such as breakfast or lunch. Regarding solid food, Everything I would consume during these heavy juicing periods would be super clean & organic (which is also mostly what I attempt to eat in general). In my opinion it would be ridiculous to eat badly / inflammatorily while you’re attempting to amp up your wellness in the ways that juices are capable of. You may very well notice that soon after you start juicing you may not be craving as much of the less healthy / processed items you were previously eating and you will also most likely be Amazed at how your juices fill you up & curb your cravings! Once you start juicing for a bit you may start feeling so good that you just don’t want the bad stuff anymore anyway! I really believe that juicing (similarly to other healthier change) is something that you may want to consider adopting as a permanent part of your long-term & ongoing lifestyle rather than some trendy thing you do for a few days or weeks. After all, why Undo any good you may have done by even starting this amazing practice in the first place ... So even if you start slowly & build up to more in quantity and potent juice ingredients & recipes over time it may make good sense. It's All about Goals afterall :-) With that being said, Here are a few tips for those interested in possibly formulating your own recipes & a Bunch of Ours !!!
When creating Your own juice recipes :
Ratio wise For beginners, a very basic example of ingredient amounts for a 16oz Juice recipe in a masticating juicer would be : >About 7-8 stalks/spears of any combination of solid/high yield ingredients such as carrot, celery, pineapple, cucumber ~ If you use other higher yield ingredients like beets, apple, cabbage, melons, or oranges you can use fewer of these above mentioned stalks (One large apple or beet for instance is equal to about 3 spears/stalks) & about three apples/beets would make a 16 oz juice. >When using Greens: Add about an eighth to a quarter of a bunch or a few handfuls or a few large leaves of Any Green (remember that kale, collards & dandelion greens are on the bitter side. >When using Herbs: Add about an eighth to a quarter of bunch of leafy herbs such as parsley, cilantro or mint. >When using Berries: Add a few handfuls or 1 -2 cups of them >When using Lemons & Limes: Use 1/8th to 1/4 slices of them to start (remember that lemons & limes are powerful & especially potent with skins on). >When using Ginger: Use about an eighth or quarter inch piece to start (remember that ginger is very potent). *As you get used to the more potent ingredients such as the bitter greens, herbs including ginger, and lemons & limes you can adjust & elevate your amounts of them.
Now here is a little list of :
INGREDIENTS CATEGORIZED BY TASTE This is an Example list of taste profile of some ingredients. Some of these fit into more than one category but are listed in the category they mostly resemble: Sweet Ingredients Carrot / Apple (except green) / Beet / Pineapple / Melon / Orange / Berries (sometimes) Neutral/ Mild Ingredients Cucumber / Celery / Lettuce / Spinach Earthy Ingredients Beet Greens/ Cilantro/ Cabbage (sometimes also peppery) Bitter Ingredients Kale / Collard Greens / Dandelion Greens Tangy/Tart Ingredients Green Apple / Citrus / Berries (sometimes) Zingy (Spicy) Ingredients Arugula / Ginger Fresh Tasting Ingredients Parsley / Mint * Overall Strong Tasting Ingredients : Ginger / Lemons & Limes / Grapefruit / Arugula / Collard Greens / Dandelion Greens / Mint / Red Cabbage (sometimes peppery) / Berries (sometimes tart) *For an idea of potentially therapeutic properties contained in various Juicing Ingredients please see Part 2 of this Guide
Now that you have a basic idea of how to create your own recipes...Here are some of Ours !!!
These recipes for the Most part contain moderate amounts of more potent ingredients such as herbs, greens and lemons & limes. Once you get used to these ingredients both in taste & potency value you can try to use & enjoy greater amounts of them! Feel free to adjust any of the ingredients in these recipes to your personal taste ~ * Important tips to Remember : >Remove Skins of All Oranges & Grapefruits >Remove Cores / Seeds from All Apples >Remove ends of Carrots (but their Greens Can be Juiced)! > The Core of Pineapple Can be Juiced > Some Rind of Pineapple can be Juiced especially if Organic >Some Rind of Melons can be Juiced (this will diminish sweetness tho) >Seeds of Melons Can be Juiced > The stems of Beets Can be Juiced >You can Leave the Skins of Lemons & Limes On especially if Organic
>Cucumber ~ 2 med >Apple ~ 1 large >Lettuce ~ 1/8th bunch > Lemon ~ 1/8th >Mint ~ 6 sprigs
Hope you Enjoy these recipes !!!!
**Just a note:
Whenever possible try to use Organic Ingredients for your juicing practices due in part to the fact that juices are concentrated and you would not want concentrated amounts of pesticides in with your incredibly nutritional elixirs. For additional info regarding this topic: Here is a short list of a few of the most pesticide laden juicing ingredients, thus they would be Particularly Important to purchase organic whenever possible (again, due to the concentrated amounts of them needed for juicing). >Strawberry >Spinach >Kale & Collard Green >Apple >Celery
...& Just so you know ~ You Can save & use the Pulp leftover from your Juicing ! Add it to such things as your Soups, Baking, Veggie Burgers & my personal favorite Veggie Fritters !!! Be creative & have Fun !
This concludes our post on Juicing Recipes and our Warriors Guide to Juicing overall for now... Surely Hope you've found it Helpful and are able to incorporate to at least some degree, this powerful & potentially life changing practice into part of your lifestyle where it can hopefully assist in fortifying your long term Wellness !
May it help be your Sword & Shield
"Healthy citizens are the greatest asset any country can have."
Winston Churchill
**Before embarking on Any new dietary, wellness or nutritional program, it is advised and important to consult with your qualified and trusted Healthcare Provider to evaluate your particular and personal medical circumstance.
This blog, it's content and any linked materials does not provide medical advice and is presented and intended for informational purposes only. It is based on my personal experience and research and is Not a Substitute for Medical Advice or Treatment. Do not Disregard Medical Advice, or delay in Seeking it because of something you have read in this blog, website or in Any linked material. Consult with a Medical Professional if you have a Medical Condition ! Comments are closed.