.There is no doubt that one thing desired by many people is Healthy Radiant Skin & Hair !
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In my opinion, the best methods of achieving this are through the wonderful ways of Holistic Wellness and Clean Beauty which are in many ways one in the same .
Even with all my years of experience in the beauty field & access to so many professional treatments & products, I’ve found that the best results (& that I’ve ever personally looked & felt) were when I’ve used clean methods of beauty… Thankfully we have the power to choose this option ! So if you’re looking for ultimate beauty, Here are a few of the things that can potentially help you have have the most amazing skin & hair of your life ~ 1) Make Juice !
In my experience, Juicing is at the Very Top of the list when it comes to Healthy Glowing Skin & Hair! This obviously occurs from the inside out as it is due to the astonishing nutrient & healing power of raw produce when it’s incredible liquid is extracted & consumed.
Juicing is Very Concentrated in Nutrients and Alkalizing to your system as well as being loaded with anti inflammatory Enzymes due to its amazing Live Raw Food Ingredients . When I started this practice myself a number of years back, I was very surprised that in just a short period of time that I basically Looked like a New Person! Among the many known benefits of Juicing are Bright & Smooth Glowing skin and Strong & Shiny Hair. In addition to this being highly accurate in my particular case,(after juicing for a short time It actually looked like I produced a New sheet of skin. Just for starters were the added benefits of amazing energy, diminishing aches & pains, excess fat melting off my body, sleeping hard as a rock and somehow also being able to eliminate Coffee from my diet, which is a very dehydrating & acidic substance, and obviously Not good for plump healthy skin. It was possible to achieve this All because of the Amazing healing power extracted from Plants ! So Seize the Power & Start Juicing Today ! * Much more on this in an upcoming post ….. 2) Eat Healthy Food
Health & Nutrition Equals Beauty my Samurai Friends! The More Nutrient dense & Nourishing Foods You Eat {Especially Plant Foods}, The Better your Skin & Hair will Look {& The Rest of you too!}. It has been shown that this is the case in many studies and I have personally found this to be true.
Nutrient dense Less Inflammatory Foods such as Fruits & Veggies , Whole Grains , Beans & Nuts and Avoiding Animal & Processed Foods & Sugars will make a huge Difference in your appearance as Well as your overall health. Clean, nutrient dense food will help your skin, hair & body stay and look & feel younger ! Go with organic whenever possible. (Take a Look HERE) ! 3) Wash & Exfoliate LESS
Believe it or not, There Is such thing as Over Cleansing….
As you do need to wash & Gently exfoliate dead skin cells, dirt, oil & product buildup from your skin & scalp, by over washing , scrubbing & exfoliating too much you can actually render skin & hair dry and damaged and disturb your Microbiome {Yes your skin has one just like your gut}, whose protective bacteria are essential to balanced , healthy skin & scalp. (Take a Look HERE) Over washing & exfoliating can also remove nourishing oils that keep moisture In, especially as you age. Another potential issue of over exfoliating is potentially removing too much off of the Outer Layer { Acid Mantle / Lipid Barrier } of your skin. This can leave your skin dry and thin & can lead to various conditions as well as lines & wrinkles . …. & Just for mentions, using the Coolest Water possible to cleanse your Body, Face & Hair is beneficial as it is not as harsh and harmful as hot water. (Take a Look HERE) This may even be potentially helpful in boosting overall wellness & surprisingly enough, immune health… So gently cleanse & even lightly exfoliate once or twice a week , but don’t over do it ! Which leads us to ….. 4) Use Gentle Cleansers & Shampoos
As a little continuation off of our previous tip … As well as cleansing less, you’ll also want to use the Gentlest Shampoos & Skin Cleansers acceptable that will have the least Stripping , Drying & Damaging Effect on your Hair & Skin.
Again, as you do want to remove dead cells on your skin & scalp , using any means too harsh can unbalance your delicate skin microbiome & exfoliate too much. There are many shampoos & cleansers out there that are simply too cleansing & high in soap & detergent, as well as being highly chemical laden . It’s a good practice to purchase products that are just cleansing enough to leave a bit of body in your hair, & remove dead cells & product from your skin & scalp but no more than that ! Cleansers & Shampoos with Cleaner Ingredients are also an Important factor for the condition of your skin & hair as well as your overall Health. Clean Products that are Moisturizing or Shampoos for Color Treated Hair are usually best for this. 5) Use Clean / Organic Products !
Why would you want to put toxin laden products on your beautiful self ?
Using Cleaner beauty products is a no brainer in several ways. First off, conventional beauty products can contain potentially harmful ingredients that can potentially act as hormone disrupters & Neuro toxins as well as possible carcinogens … When considering that these products get absorbed into your system, especially when applied to your skin which is the the largest organ of your body , it would make sense to steer clear of them. Never mind the fact that some clean beauty products are sourced responsibly, are much gentler and contain beyond beautiful and nourishing ingredients from nature & are better for the planet to boot ! Products containing ingredients such as purely sourced essential oils can be curative and healing to your skin & body instead of potentially harmful. From shampoos & conditioners to cleansers, moisturizers & serums to masks & exfoliators, hydrosols, toners, tonics and every cosmetic & styling product in town and more, these days there is a cleaner option ! 6) Massage
Giving yourself a weekly facial or scalp massage can promote healthier skin & hair
Massage helps enhance circulation & improves blood flow , rejuvenates & can slightly slough off dead skin cells of your skin & scalp. It has anti-aging effects, lessens the appearance of lines & wrinkles and tightens & brightens skin for a smooth & more radiant effect. With facial massage you can also include pressure points which when engaged can help promote lymphatic drainage . Dormant lymphatic fluids in your skin can make areas of your face appear dull, sallow, puffy and irritated, so pressure point massage can potentially help release these fluids and promote radiance & smoothness . A jade facial roller is a beautiful tool that can also assist in pressure point massage & lymphatic drainage. You can also use this tool to help smooth on your favorite skincare products such as serums or other clean skin care products. Facial rollers are available in other healing stones as well , such as rose quartz & amethyst.. Another way to reap & increase the amazing benefits of massage would be to use a dry brush. Dry brushing is an ancient ritual practiced by many cultures for centuries including its use in ayurvedic medicine (one of the worlds oldest holistic medicine practices), and is gaining more popularity these days here in the western world. Dry brushing can be practiced on your entire body as well as on your face, neck & even scalp. You can use a Dry Brush to enhance the massage effect and can promote lymphatic drainage & remove toxins, plump up the skin, lightly slough off dead cells & also promote circulation and energy. With use on the body dry brushing may also help with breaking down cellulite as does massage. All of these rituals also have a calming effect which is beneficial for your overall wellness as well as ultimate warrior beauty ! … & Just an extra note : If considering dry brushing, especially on the face, you’d want to make sure to use a soft enough brush and light touch and Not Treat Any Skin that is overly dry, irritated, or suffering from any skin condition. Always keep in mind that you don’t want to over exfoliate, only slightly slough off dead cells & stimulate circulation. After any massage and especially dry brushing, a best practice would then be to wash your face or take a shower or bath to rinse off any dead skin cells & then always make sure to apply clean skincare products because your freshly exfoliated skin will be in a more absorbent state ! & Then .... 7) Hydrate !
After any sort of detoxifying practice (including any type of massage you’d want to drink lots of water to help assist the toxins exit out of your body!
Along with that , just generally speaking , hydration is vital for wellness & beauty !! When you are dehydrated, one of the very first places this condition will make its appearance is on your skin as well as your hair & nails. Water is actually a macro-nutrient & is essential for many bodily functions as well as the brightness & smoothness of your skin & hair. Without enough of it in your system, your skin & hair can appear dry, dull & lifeless , & uneven in tone. Lines & wrinkles on your face will be far more noticeable. Dehydration can be caused by weather conditions, & lifestyle choices such as unhealthy diet & too much caffeine, & or alcohol. So reducing or avoiding these as much as possible is essential ! Make sure though that you hydrate like a warrior, With lots of water & even lightly flavoring it with veggie or fruit slices! Also, juicing hydrating fruits & veggies such as celery, cucumber & watermelon certainly won't hurt… & once you are hydrated from the inside, some beautiful clean skincare such as cleaner versions of oil serums, hydrosols, moisturizers & conditioners certainly won't hurt ! 8) Exercise !
As well as being imperative for your health & entire body, exercise is essential for obtaining glowing & healthy skin & hair !
The circulation of blood & oxygenation of your organs when you exercise nourishes & beautifies ! It makes your skin radiant & your hair strong by delivering nutrients & even promoting collagen production. So make sure to get at least bit of cardio in there to get your blood pumping ! 9) Think of Beauty in Holistic Terms
Holistic generally means to Treat the Whole verses separate parts of the whole .When you think of beauty in a more holistic manner , it allows you to have a picture in your head of the fact that Everything you do & lifestyle choice you make leads to the whole being healthier, happier, more contented & beautiful.
It also means living in alignment with yourself and nature & not fighting against it, which is what our western culture has somewhat led us to do. Any kind act you take towards yourself in terms of wellness or self care will render the whole of you, more beautiful, contented & connected, inside & out. So find the things that center you, make you feel happy & joyful and help you get in touch with your true beautiful self. This may be the single most powerful tool & mindset that can bring inner & outer contentment & beauty. 10) Superfoods & Supplements
Beyond healthful food & juicing, There are many nutritional supplements that are known to be beneficial for your hair, skin & nails (& obviously your health as well )…
I’ve personally been researching & trying many of these myself for years & i’ve found that with certain things i’ve had better results than others. Certain vitamins & ,minerals are essential for their antioxidant (such as vitamins A, C, D, E) & collagen building (such as vitamin C , & minerals zinc & copper) capabilities. It's best to try & obtain as much of these nutrients as possible through your food intake, but if you cant supplements may be helpful. I love to supplement with superfood powders because they are real & whole nutrient dense food in powder form. There are also a few supplement brands that are whole plant food based, So these options are potentially the next best thing to obtaining your nutrients from food. For starters, a few of my favorite supplements for beauty are superfood green & berry powders such as camu {whose enormous vitamin C content helps build collagen}, acai (overall the most antioxidant berry), & pomegranate, organic wheatgrass powder as well as spirulina {for its amazingly high amino acid collagen building & detoxifying properties} (Take a Look HERE). In addition, I also love probiotics (Take a Look HERE), proteolytic enzymes, hyaluronic acid, whole food based b vitamins & of course…juicing~~which isn’t actually as much a supplement as an amazing enzyme & nutrient power packed live raw food !!! 11) Meditate & Be Zen![]()
There is So Much to be said for living in the present moment, & the sages say that this truly is all there is~That the past is behind us & the future is yet to unfold and that focusing on the present allows you to truly live your life as it unfolds.
Taking even a tiny bit of time to sit down , get into your breathing & get in touch with yourself & connecting to your energy & that of the universe is second to none in looking & feeling calm, centered & beautiful. This practice will help in managing stress which can be detrimental to your overall health never mind your skin & hair. (Take a Look HERE) Keep in mind that your body, when under any attack or condition of stress will put its energy into healing its internal mechanisms & vital organs way before it's hair, skin & nails. ...So sitting down, being mindful and getting in touch with your inner self will also help you connect to your intuition and personal truth and what path in beauty, wellness and otherwise is right for you ....So find a few minutes to get centered ! Trust me my Warrior Friend. 12) Sleep
As we’ve all heard the term “beauty sleep” & we don’t often technically give it much thought, It’s actually quite true that getting proper shut eye will equate to elevated beauty !
(Take a Look HERE)... First of all when we sleep our body recovers & replenishes & this includes huge cellular repair & collagen growth for our skin. Better sleep will also result in less lines & wrinkles, brighter & tighter skin, more luxurious hair & overall wellness which boosts happiness & self confidence & esteem ! ... & we are All About That !!! 13) Think Beautiful Thoughts
If you take just a minute or two every day to take a breath, be present, think of All the beautiful things you have to be grateful for, & the things that make you smile in even the smallest ways, & all the beautiful possibilities (Including currently cultivating your true samurai power) ! ..and most of all getting in touch with your inner higher self and taking in the ultimate beauty of this truth, Your inner beauty will resonate from the inside out because this is true genuine beauty (with no conflict or opposition including within yourself) And the the glow of your inner light will shine thru & result in the brightest Glow of All …
"Beauty lives with kindness."
- William Shakespeare.
**Before embarking on Any new dietary, wellness or nutritional program, it is advised and important to consult with your qualified and trusted Healthcare Provider to evaluate your particular and personal medical circumstance.
This blog, it's content and any linked materials does not provide medical advice and is presented and intended for informational purposes only. It is based on my personal experience and research and is Not a Substitute for Medical Advice or Treatment. Do not Disregard Medical Advice, or delay in Seeking it because of something you have read in this blog, website or in Any linked material. Consult with a Medical Professional if you have a Medical Condition !