If there was Ever a Time in History to Warrior up our Wellness & Immune Systems it would be Now!
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Thankfully, we have more control than we think to make choices that will help make an Impact in this area . The human body has an absolute Force of an Innate Immune System and Amazing Healing Wisdom. Now is certainly the time to connect with & Optimize It .
Lets Seize this Great Power for Ourselves & Turn our Immune systems into Samurai Armies ! Here are a few tips : 1) Eat Healthful & Nourishing Foods
There is No Better Way to Nourish & Heal Your Body than to Consume Healthy Food. It can Literally Make the Difference between Health or Disease, Longevity or Not, and the Way you Feel Everyday along the way. Consuming nutritious foods & focusing on your health will also help control obesity which can result in disease and heavily compromising your immune system . In fact, along with the highly nutrient & healing effect of plant based food on your body, it has now been shown that the more plant based you eat (Vs Any other food groups), the higher your metabolic rate to burn calories increases even After the ingestion of a meal (This is known as The Thermal Effect of food) , And Studies have now shown that the more Plant foods (& less animal based foods) you consume, The Better your Immune system and its Army of Cells are fortified to Navigate & Fight against Pathogens & the less chance you have of being severely ill ! This is what you call Power ! So weaponize your Immune Cells... Healthy Food & Especially Plant Based Food is Warrior Medicine, Plain & Simple !
2) Juicing !
Juicing Fresh Fruits & Vegetables (In a Juicer} is one of the Very Best Ways To Boost your Health & Immunity! Fresh Extracted Juice is Loaded with Enzymes, Vitamins, Minerals, Antioxidants, & Phytochemicals and has Alkalizing & Detoxifying Powers! It is Amazingly Anti Inflammatory, Immunity Boosting, Pathogen Fighting, Healing & Medicinal to your Body...& never mind helpful in melting a few pounds off ! It is Without a Doubt a Tonic of Warriors . Much More on this topic in an upcoming Post !
3) Connect with Nature & Our Beautiful Planet
Not only is the practice of connecting with nature Calming & an opportunity to Reflect, Meditate Breathe & Absorb some Vitamin D3, Some even believe in the Art of Earthing, Where your skin directly comes in contact with the earths surface, such as your body, bare feet or hands. This practice is known to induce feelings of Wellness & Serenity. Connecting your body to the ground also enables Energy & Electrons from the Earths Surface to enter & spread into the body where they can have Antioxidant , Anti-inflammatory & Immune Boosting effects, So Go Plant Your Warrior Hands, Feet & Body on Beautiful Mother Earth ! Take a Look HERE !
4) Get Proper Sleep
Getting Proper Sleep is Underrated ! Our bodies need solid sleep to repair & recover as well as fortify and boost immunity , balance hormones & many other vital bodily functions.
Ways to help us get proper & restful sleep include managing stress, exercising, going to bed & waking up at the same time everyday, retiring early, arising with the sunrise & getting plenty of natural sunlight during the day to balance & regulate our body’s rhythms & hormones. There is also evidence that nutrient dense / plant based diets can be helpful in improving quality sleep (Take a Look HERE). Yoga & or Stretching can be calming before bedtime as well as Meditating & or Breathing Practices ~~ There are also many other potentially helpful natural sleep aids available , Such as using Essential Oils such as Lavender, Herbal Teas such as Chamomile, foods or supplements containing nutrients such as Magnesium which can induce calming . Other options are Himalayan Salt Lamps, Earthing Mats & Believe it or Not ~ Juicing … Not actually drinking it right before you go to bed, but the ongoing Practice of it and it’s detoxifying effects on a daily basis often results in deep & restful sleep ! It’s Also a Good Idea to Unplug and Stop all use of Electronic Devices such as your Cellphone, Computer & watching TV at least a Half Hour Before you want to slumber. All the Blue Light and Electromagnetic current emitting from these devices is Highly Stimulating and Not conducive to Restful Sleep. 5) Breathe
Practiced Breathing Can Not Only be Calming & Helpful to your Overall Health, but certain breathing methods have proven to Boost Immunity & Reduce Stress through Released Chemicals in your Brain & Body. In Fact, even Thinking / Visualizing about Breathing Exercises can Enhance your Immunity! There are Many breathing methods to practice , but for simple starters you can try the “Physiological Sigh” which is known to release Serotonin Chemicals (your Happy/Calming Chemicals) in your Brain. To execute this breathing method, all you need to do is inhale Twice thru your Nose & then a Long Exhale out of your mouth . This should Calm you down immediately in Any Stressful Situation ! (Take a Look HERE)
6) Listen To (Or Play) Music
As well as being aware of how good Music makes most of us Feel , There is a compelling amount of data that supports the Listening of it & its Wellness & Immune System Enhancing Effects by way of its Powerful Impact on our Brain & Emotions. In Many Studies It has been shown that Music’s Positive feel Good Effect releases Chemicals that Lower Stress & Trigger Heightened Immune, Natural Killer {NK} Cell Count & Activity Response in our Bodies. If This Isn’t a Reason to Put on your Headphones, We don’t know What Else Is , as this seems to be the Amazing Case for Any Type of Music that makes you Feel Good!
7) Hydrate
Although we’re pretty much all aware that we need to stay hydrated & drink enough water, Its probably known to a lesser degree of How Much of a huge part Hydration plays regarding our Immune systems . One of the most basic facts regarding this is that our bloodstream is made up of a large percentage of water {As is our Body} , and Our Immune System as well as our organs are reliant on our bloodstream to carry & deliver nutrients to it. Continuous Hydration is necessary to support this process and keep our Organs & Immune system running efficiently. It has actually been found in studies that dehydration can cause your Immune System to be Suppressed and That certainly is Not what we're looking for these days, So drinking enough water is Imperative! … A little tip : Adding fruit or veggie slices {such as lemon or cucumber} to your water is a good way to make it a bit more flavorful (& detoxifying) for those who find drinking enough H2O challenging, So Warrior Up on Water & and Be Sure to also cut back on dehydrating habits such as Coffee, Soda & Alcohol if possible !
8) Meditate
There is a reason that people have been Practicing Meditation, Mindfulness & Zen for Centuries . As well as its Calming and Stress relieving effects. The Practice of centering yourself and your energy, and focusing on the Present Moment Has Enormous Impacts on Wellness and Immunity. It’s now been shown in studies that meditation enhances Immune NK {Natural Killer} & T Cell activity & and also reduces Inflammation in the body that is associated with decreased Immune Cell function. Meditation has even been found to boost Glutathione (an enormously vital Antioxidant to Immunity) levels in the body (Take a Look HERE). It’s additional proven health benefits are numerous & extensive ranging from Heart Improving & Cognitive boosting & even Reduced Cell Aging. Meditation & its Healing Effects allow the Mind & Body to fuse into Physical , Mental & Spiritual Alignment. so start connecting with your higher self, …Just ask any Buddhist Monk… If you haven’t started meditating yet , Now would be a Perfect time ! ![]() 9) Try Superfood Powders
As there is really No Replacement for Consuming Nutrient Rich Foods & A Clean Diet, Often there are Nutrients you Just can’t manage to get from Diet Alone. Especially In the Stressful & Potentially Toxic & Nutrient Draining world we live in , This is where Supplementing a bit can come in Handy.
There are literally Dozens of Ways To Supplementally help Build & Fortify your Wellness & Immunity. Superfood Powders are one of the most Amazing ones~ These are Real Plant Based Whole Foods like Berries such as Camu (Take a Look HERE), or Acai(Take a Look HERE) ~ that grow in the Rainforests of South America and are respectively the most concentrated forms of Vitamin C & Overall Antioxidant Content on the Planet . They are generally freeze dried and sold in Powder Form (you can mix them into your juices smoothies, bowls or any drink} and are Amazing for Immunity, Energy & Much Much More. Organic Green Powders such as Wheatgrass are also Powerful Allies for powering up your Energy & Immunity as well(Take a Look HERE) ...& Just for mentions, A few other nutrients at the Top of the Immunity Boosting List are Vitamins A, C, D3 (Take a Look HERE) & E, Zinc (Take a Look HERE), Quercetin (Take a Look HERE), Garlic (Take a Look HERE), Propolis, Medicinal Mushrooms, (Take a Look HERE), Probiotics (Take a Look HERE), Oil of Oregano (Take a Look HERE), Proteolytic Enzymes (Take a Look HERE), Elderberry (Take a Look HERE) & Ginger (Take a Look HERE) 10) Use Essential Oils
Essential Oils have been used for centuries around the world for wellness, therapeutic & beauty practices. They are oils extracted from various parts of a plant that capture the Plants Essence.
They are most commonly used as aromatherapy where they are inhaled thru different methods. They can also be applied on the skin (when mixed with a carrier oil or distilled as a hydrosol) and are often used in skincare products . Depending on the plant, essential oils have different therapeutic benefits and as well as a beautiful self care tool, They can be amazingly beneficial for anything from boosting immunity to reducing stress & anxiety to aiding digestion & skin issues. A few essential oils with immune boosting effects would be Eucalyptus, Peppermint, Lemon, Thyme, Oregano, Myrtle, & Frankincense. There are huge differences in the way these oils are extracted and or processed~ you’d want to make sure your oil is on the pure side. Forming rituals with essential oils can certainly be a very beautiful & therapeutic thing for your warrior immunity , body, mind & spirit. 11) Exercise
Although we are all somewhat aware of the many benefits to exercise and working out to at least some degree, More than ever there is evidence to how beneficial it actually is to your immune system!
Besides exercise being an enormously huge aid in this category by lowering stress, bettering sleep, oxygenating organs, releasing endorphins, balancing hormones & helping to control weight. Studies have now shown that even moderate exercise (especially cardio & this includes walking) releases & increases the circulation of immune cells throughout your body. It also helps these immune cells find pathogens {such as viruses & bacteria} in your system & wipe them out ! Combined with all the other amazing benefits of moving your body , you can’t afford to wait if you haven’t started ! So get moving like a warrior Now ! 12 ) Manage Chronic Stress
Surprisingly, It’s recently been discovered in studies that acute/short term stress can initially cause an actual boost to your immune system ~ as this type of stress releases neuro chemicals that release & elevate ready to fight immune cells in your body. If this happens occasionally, it is apparently not overwhelmingly harmful to your well~being ,
However, if if stress continuously occurs & leads to long term chronic stress it is absolutely not good for you. Long term stress wreaks havoc on your mental & physical health and immune system, and your entire body takes a serious beating. This can potentially lead to many issues , so its important to avoid or at the least manage this state of being. This is where its so important to find ways to cope when dealing with life’s challenges. {almost every point on this post should be somewhat helpful in this area}... Chronic stress is one of a warriors greatest enemies, actually invading from within.. & It must be defeated !
Which leads us to…..
13) Take Time For Self Care
Pretty Much Any act of Care & Kindness or Healthful Action you take towards Yourself will Help Elevate your Wellness ~ Body, Mind & Spirit, and along with that, your Immune System. It is Vitally Important in this Stressful World to find ways to Care for yourself & Recharge. Even in Small Ways. Whether its in taking a few minutes of quiet time to Journal, Breathe or Meditate to get Centered & Peaceful, or Take some time to do something Creative like Drawing/ Painting / Playing Music, Eating an Extra Healthful Meal or Drinking an Organic Juice is a wonderful way to Nurture yourself. Reading a Positive or Spiritual Book or Pampering yourself with Clean Beauty Rituals Such as a Bath with Essential Oils or Pampering your Skin ~ with Face masks, Hydrosols & Serums , or Hair ~ Using a Beautiful Clean Shampoo & Hair Mask are all Beautiful Moments to nurture You and Basically Anything that brings you Joy is victory...
Being "Mindful",“Zen”, & “In the Moment” during these self care rituals will nurture your body , mind , spirit & soul … You and Only You Hold the Key, & Deserve and are Worthy of showing yourself Care & Kindness, and it will Render you more Centered, Energized, Fortified, Beautiful, Focused, Productive, Immunized & Samuraied to honorably serve yourself & others in So Many Ways !
“The future depends on what you do today. “
Mahatma Gandhi
This blog, it's content and any linked materials does not provide medical advice and is presented and intended for informational purposes only. It is based on my personal experience and research and is Not a Substitute for Medical Advice or Treatment. Do not Disregard Medical Advice, or delay in Seeking it because of something you have read in this blog, website or in Any linked material. Consult with a Medical Professional if you have a Medical Condition !
Julie Ruth
11/5/2021 05:17:50 am
Wow! I really learned a lot and reinforced other knowledge I have picked up along my life path. I would love ve to learn more about alkalizing...I don't know a lot about and struggle sometimes with too much acid in my gut! Really informative. Thank you for the post!
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