By Donna Dior
There are many amazing plant-based dressings & sauces you can make with whole food ingredients to add to your plant-based meals !
I make all of mine oil-free ! This is because oil is a ridiculously calorie & fat dense ingredient, often toxin laden, & potentially inflammatory especially depending on it's type. You may choose to at some point consume less of it. (Click "Read More" below to continue)...
By Donna Dior
Especially with Plant-Based eating there are many foods that you can prepare in advance to take the stress & guess work out of what to eat during the week !
Food prepping can save you time as well as money and make it so much easier to stay on a healthy track with nutritious food ! Having healthy prepared (especially plant-based) foods on hand instead of grabbing anything & everything when you’re starving goes a long way in finding & sustaining wellness and staying on track regarding a healthy lifestyle ! (click "Read More" below to continue)...
By Donna Dior
When looking to eat more plant-based (& there are several reasons why this is a really good idea (Take a Look Here)).. there are many great items you may want to pick up on your next shopping trip !
This is primarily speaking of whole-food plant-based choices that come from nature and not processed ones... Of these foods and ingredients there are endless dishes you can prepare (for a few ideas (Take a Look Here)) ! So below are a few items you may want to toss in your shopping cart ! (Click"Read More" below to continue)...
By Donna Dior
Zen is one of those terms in modern day used quite synonymously with mindfulness and at times quite loosely referring to chilling out and areas such as managing stress & anxiety.
Zen & Mindfulness do indeed have many similarities but they also slightly vary from each other. They are both amazing tools in helping to calm your mind, find inner peace & live life to its fullest, just for starters... (Click "Read More" below to continue)...
As a beauty professional for many years along with a wellness enthusiast I have definitely tried an abundance of strategies regarding what delivers great beauty results.
Besides just good genetics, healthy and radiant skin & hair don’t happen (& hold up over time) by accident. Below are 12 of my favorite clean tips for beautiful skin & hair… (Click "Read More" Below to Continue)...
By Donna Dior
Especially in this day & age there are more reasons than ever to eat plant-based foods. This especially meaning whole-food versions of these foods which are unprocessed and grown in nature such as grains, legumes (beans, lentils & peas), nuts, seeds & of course the priceless bounty and golden treasure of fruits & vegetables.
Plant-based foods, diets & lifestyles are powerful in countless ways and there are so many ways to be creative with them ! Below are a few reasons you may want to consider consuming more of these foods (or becoming entirely plant-based) along with a few details that you may find quite surprising... (Click "Read More" Below to Continue)...
With all the talk of Lifestyle everything these days, it can be easy to misunderstand what it all really means and why It all really matters so much… & indeed it really does...
Click "Read More" Below to Continue...
As many of us are kind, caring & empathetic people who like to please others, having the confidence to stand up for ourselves and set limits can sometimes be challenging.
Enter Boundaries... (Click "Read More" below to continue)...
By Donna Dior
As a beauty professional for many years, i’m often asked about ways to obtain healthier and shinier hair. There are several ways to potentially assist in this area especially in a cleaner fashion, so i'm just sharing a few tips below...
Hope they help to make your mane more luxurious! (click "Read More" below to continue)
So many of us are interested in going at least a bit more plant based with our eating habits these days! The powerful potential of benefiting one's wellness, wallet & the planet are just a few of many reasons to be inspired.
There are so many options when it comes to plant-based ingredients & meals. Here are just a few ideas to get you started ... (click "Read More" below to continue) |